Drilling to Increase 4.9% in 2021
Operators worldwide report plans to drill 4.9% more wells in 2021 versus 2020.

Use of Rotary Steerable Systems Continues to Increase in North America Land
North America land oil & gas operators report use of rotary steerable systems growing in recent years from approximately 20% of the wells...

US Land Drilling to Increase 1.8% in 2020
Kimberlite Oilfield Research recently updated the 2020 drilling forecast based on interviews with 203 respondents from 138 E&P operators

US Land Operators Report Using Multiple Mud Motor Suppliers
The US land market is highly fragmented with over 40 mud motor suppliers cited as being used. The smaller, independent mud motor suppliers

Supplier Selection Based on Price Does Not Always Yield the Best Outcome
Kimberlite Oilfield Research recently published the 2018 Subsea Equipment and Services report based on interviews with 102 subsea engineers

Deepwater Drilling Forecast for 2018
Deepwater operators worldwide report that drilling expenditures for 2018 overall will be similar to levels seen in 2017.

US Land Drilling to Increase 16.5% in 2018
US land oil & gas operators report plans to drill 16.5% more wells in 2018 versus 2017.