⚡ Bridging the Digital Gap in Hydraulic Fracturing
As digital technologies look to reshape North America Land efficiency and productivity: Who’s best positioned to meet the demand?

🔌 The Digital Shift in Hydraulic Fracturing: Who’s Leading the Innovation?
Digital technologies are emerging as the next frontier in boosting efficiency and productivity for E&P operators in US Land.

⚡ The Future of Power in US Hydraulic Fracturing Market
Innovation remains at the heart of the US Land Hydraulic Fracturing market, driving ever-increasing levels of efficiency and productivity.

🚀 Pushing the Limits: U.S. Land Drilling and Completion Efficiencies
The U.S. land drilling and completion market continues to set new benchmarks for efficiency and productivity.

More with Less... US Land Drilling and Completion Efficiencies Continue to Increase
Just when you thought drilling and completion efficiencies were topping out, we are proven wrong... again! The grit, innovation, and...

E&P Operators Expect Supplier Pricing for Hydraulic Fracturing Services to Decrease
US land oil and gas operators anticipate pricing for hydraulic fracturing services to decrease by 2.9% over the next twelve months.

DUC DUC… NO. The Growing spread between Drilling Rigs and Frac Fleets.
The rig count in US land has increased by nearly 200 in 2022 while increases in frac spreads has trailed. The exhibit below highlights...

SIMO FRAC… It’s Just NOT For Everyone!
While drilling and completion efficiencies continue to increase, the prospect of Simultaneous Hydraulic Fracturing or Dual Fracturing has...

Operators Flight to Quality Suppliers Is Expected in 2020 and 2021
With oilfield service suppliers having no room to give additional price discounts, E&P operators will turn to quality suppliers.

Oil Price War Re-Visited
A new oil price war? Looking back on the oil price war of 2015 what lessons have we learned?